AS3 Pixel Collision Detection

2005 November 11th by todd anderson

check it out here;) (requires 8.5)

It’s the same code as the prior post, just a different implementation for sending the data to check the collision because it’s in AS3.

One thing i found that may be helpful to others… i spent about 10 minutes trying to figure out why i couldn’t “press” on the sprite. Turns out i could have all along, but since i didn’t see the hand cursor on rollover, i just figured my code was wrong…

I guess i have some new visual learning to go along with the new code.

Here’s a little snippet of how you do startDrag/stopDrag in AS3. It can be found in the online docs… if i had bothered to read them .

If you want to see the hand cursor, you have to set buttonMode to true (as far as i know)- which will turn on useHandCursor with the default value of true.

import flash.display.Sprite;  



public class SpriteExample extends Sprite  


    public function SpriteExample()  


        buttonMode = true;  

        addEventListener(MouseEventType.MOUSE_DOWN, onMouseDown);  

        addEventListener(MouseEventType.MOUSE_UP, onMouseUp);  


    private function onMouseDown(evt:Event):Void  




    private function onMouseUp(evt:Event):Void  





i’m looking to put up the code for the Pixel Collision Detection for both Flash8 and AS3, still running some test and cleaning up.

Here’s a “30-Colby at 30FPS” trial;) in flash8, but it seems to take a huge hit on a Mac for all browsers… don’t know what’s up with that. Does drop about 10 frames on a PC even with a proximity detector, but as i said in the previous post, i probably wouldn’t use this detection for large amounts of objects.

Posted in AS3, Flash.