Flex 4.5 (Hero) – Pausing Session Restoration

2010 November 17th by todd anderson

While Flex 4.5 (Hero) provides an API for persisting session data within View objects, as discussed in my previous post, MobileApplication dispatches events at the initialization and deactivation of the application that allow for you to perform any subsequent custom handling of persistent data – such as re-logging a user back into a service on relaunch of the application.

[[NOTE] _It should be noted that this post will be discussing some of the finer points of the persistant data API available, as of this writing, with the free trial download of Flash Builder “Burrito” and the included Flex SDK Version 4.5.0 build 17689_]

When the sessionCachingEnabled property of MobileApplication is declared as true, the following events are broadcast:

/* dispatched in MobileApplication +initialize() */
/* dispatched in MobileApplication -applicationDeactivateHandler() */

In responding to these events, a client can serialize any other custom data to the disk that is relevant between sessions (launch, close, re-launch) of your application – be it as a Shared Object, which the PersistenceManager writes to, or a file using the File API.

When working with persisted data between View objects, what essentially is happening is the serialization of the NavigationStack. The NavigationStack is, in rough terms, a history manager. It holds a list of ViewHistoryData objects that pertain to the progression of View requests; popping and pushing the ViewHistoryData objects from the stack as the user progresses through the application.

When responding to the session-persistent events, you most likely will not be modifying that stack that is being serialized between View objects already for you (using the data property and serializeData() and deserializePersistedData() methods discuss in my previous post). Though you could, you could hijack that Shared Object from the PersistenceManager and overwrite the work it had previously done, but most likely the serialized NavigationStack will be left untouched or at the very least only inspected.

What had originally got me looking into working with these session-persistent events was to have the ability to re-log in a user who had previously been logged into a service in a prior session. It is a common practice and user experience and one the user rarely thinks about. Think about every time you open a Twitter client on your device. The session is most-likely not kept alive while you have it closed and are playing Falling Balls. But when you re-launch it, you don’t (typically) have to log back in. You can begin sending tweets again. Right away.

This can be achieved in a Flex Hero MobileApplication, but you will have to suspend the “restoring” of the application upon initialization in order to read in any custom persisted data and log a user into a service. I’ll touch on that later, but for now let’s look at how you would first serialize custom data when the application is being deactivated:

protected var _currentUser:CustomUser;
protected var storedUserFilename:String = "currentUser.obj";
// Event handler for FlexEvent.APPLICATION_PERSIST of MobileApplication.
protected function handleApplicationPersist( evt:Event ):void
    var user:CustomUser = _currentUser;
    var file:File = File.applicationStorageDirectory.resolvePath( storedUserFilename );
    var stream:FileStream = new FileStream();
    stream.open( file, FileMode.WRITE );
    stream.writeObject( user );

Pretty familiar if you have worked with the File API. Nothing actually new in regards to 4.5, just writing the serializable CustomUser object to the application storage directory. It’s another topic on how to maintain the reference to currentUser_, so for the purposes of this example we’ll just say that object is available and managed here. If you are familiar with the File API, you probably are aware that CustomUser needs to be registered with a class alias in order to be properly written to and read back in from the file system as that ActionScript object. That can be achieved by wither declaring a [RemoteClass] meta-tag or the registerClassAlias() method. _[Fun fact: MobileApplication registers the ViewNavigator and NavigationStack classes upon initialization in the registerPersistenceClassAliases_() method]. Here’s a quick exmaple of using the [RemoteClass] meta:

package com.custardbelly.examples.model
    public class CustomUser
        public var username:String;
        public var password:String;

        public function CustomUser() {}

One thing to remember when serializing ActionScript objects, don’t have any non-defaulted constructor parameters. You will get an error when the object is being de-serialized.

Back to the task at hand – logging a user back into the service on relaunch of the application (start of a new session). In order to do that, the “restoring” process of the application needs to be suspended so as to inspect the serialized “history stack” and determine if the user is being brought back to the “login” view or not. If not, the application should log the user back in and resume to the View persisted at the top of the stack from a previous session:

// [Sublass of MobileApplication]

// Event handler for FlexEvent.APPLICATION_RESTORING on MobileApplication
protected function handleApplicationRestoring( evt:Event ):void
    // Stop any subsequent work so we can determine if we need to log a user back in. 

    // Access the serialized navigator state, maintained between view navigation.
    var savedState:Object = persistenceManager.getProperty("navigatorState");
    // Check if the topview from the stack is the view we deliver as the login view.
    if( topViewIsNotLogIn( savedState ) )
            // Access a file we serialized to the disk that represents the previously logged-in user.
            var file:File = File.applicationStorageDirectory.resolvePath( storedUserFilename );
            var stream:FileStream = new FileStream();
            stream.open( file, FileMode.READ );
            var user:CustomUser = stream.readObject() as CustomUser;
            if( user != null )
                // Log user back into service.
                // Upon complete, make sure to call:
                // restoreApplicationState();
        catch( e:Error )
            // Most likely file does not exist.
        // Else continue on our way.

// Determines if the topView in our perstisted stack is not what we consider to be the log in view.
protected function topViewIsNotLogIn( savedState:Object ):Boolean
    if( savedState == null ) return false;

    // The index within our view stack that we consider as the log in view.
    const loginViewIndex:int = 0;
    // The serialized stack.
    var stack:NavigationStack = savedState.navigationStack as NavigationStack;
    if( stack != null )
        use namespace mx_internal;
        // If we have a stack to inspect.
        if( stack.source && stack.source.length > 0 )
            var topView:ViewHistoryData = stack.topView;
            var loginView:ViewHistoryData = stack.source[loginViewIndex] as ViewHistoryData;
            return ( topView != loginView );
    return false;

One point to grasp is that the event object dispatched for FlexEvent.APPLICATION_RESTORING needs to be halted so we can do some work before the MobileApplication proceeds with business as usual. That is done by calling event.preventDefault(). That actually flips a flag in the -initialize() method of MobileApplication, telling it to not proceed with restoring.

The other point, is that, once halted, MobileApplication:restoreApplicationState() must be called at a later time in order to proceed with initialization. In this example, if it is determined that the user is being brought to the “log in” View on re-launch, then the stored user is not logged back in and restoreApplicationState() is invoked to proceed. If it is determined that the user will be taken to another View, then log in to the service must be done and, upon success, then invoke restoreApplicationState().

[Tip: _If you start working with persistent data and you just want to clear it from time to time while developing in order to know that you are working with it properly, call persistenceManager.clear() in your FlexEvent.APPLICATIONRESTORING handler and all your wishes will come true.]

Since Flex 4.5 is beta, you can’t have an example without seeing use namespace mx_internal :) Half-kidding, but for those unfamiliar with that namespace, some methods and properties in the SDK are declared with the mx_internal access specifier to denote that they are in limbo of being given the proper access. So in a later version of the SDK, they may be changed to public, private, protected or any other custom specifier. For this example, in order to access the source property of NavigationStack we needed to resolve to mx_internal. Hopefully it will be opened up at a later date, or at least a public accessor for that list.

So there you have it. The best practice on notifying the user that you are logging them back into a service upon relaunch? I haven’t found the best solution that meets my needs yet, but I do not recommend pushing a View to the stack of the ViewNavigator during that restore suspension. It caused some weird UI glitches. Probably the best bet is to use the PopUpManager – but do not use the ProgressBar in that… bad things happen. Hopefully a new ProgressBar is on the horizon for Flex 4.5.

Posted in AIR, Burrito, Flex, Flex 4.5.