new github repo: massroute-js

2011 September 27th by todd anderson

This is just a quick post to alert any subscribers to this blog that are interested in JavaScript development that I created a repository some time back on github that holds my exploration of various JavaScript frameworks and libraries. You can check it out at

Centered around the theme of developing a web-based application to access real-time MBTA transportation data (made available by MassDOTmore info here), I wanted to explore various libraries and micro-application frameworks that are out in-the-wild for JavaScript; some more well-known than others, but still hold my interest.

The initial commit included the work i had done with jQuery Mobile, which i have been actively working with for almost a year and have given a couple presentations on. Most recently, I committed an example of my exploration into dojo. I rather enjoyed working with the dojo framework and toolkit and hope to have another post that spotlights my experience working with it – actually i hope to post on each library/framework that i dig into with the repo, so we’ll see how that goes. Next up on my curiosity list is Knockout

I won’t list all those that have caught my eye, so if you have any suggestions please feel free to leave them in the comments.

If you look at the source of the examples in the repo, I don’t claim to be a master of the library or frameworks I am exploring, needless to say the JavaScript language itself. So, if you see something that is considered bad practice or all together wrong, please let me know.

Posted in JavaScript, jquery, jquery-mobile.