My company, Infrared5, recently released an Open Source project called madmin, which I had the great pleasure of being a main part of.

madmin is a node-based application that allows for generating immediately accessible RESTful URIs. Though it is possible to communicate with command line tools like cURL, madmin also provides a client-side console to easily create the URIs and structure of JSON response(s). It was originally intended to solve a front-end development problem in maintaining two sets of code – a fake service layer and production-level service layer – during development, but has grown to be a proven way to facilitate communication between the server-side and client-side teams in discussing the requirements of the services for a project. It also proved to be pretty handy documentation, to boot, which could be easily discussed with clients.

Anyway, you can read a more detailed description of the project and how it came to fruition over at the Infrared5 blog:

If you check it out, I hope you find it useful in any way and please log issues for requests or fork it to add features! I intend to get more basic instructions up on the wiki at its github location and perhaps write a few blog posts as well.

Posted in Infrared5, JavaScript, madmin, node.