as3flobile extension: as3flobile-android

2010 October 20th by todd anderson

I just made an initial commit to github with an as3flobile library extension named as3flobile-android.


The intent of as3flobile-android is to provide custom skins and controls that target the look-and-feel of the Android platform. Currently within the library are graphic assets, custom skins and a few convenience controls which are composite controls that extend their as3flobile counterpart with the skinning already wired up (take for instance the AndroidScrollList which extends ScrollList to provide custom item renderers and skins that have the look-and-feel of the Android list – also has the precense of scrollbars on scroll behaviour!).

Now, it should be said, i didn’t go all out and study/push every pixel to make the skins look exactly like Android. I just cut some graphics from a PSD and applied them in the skins. This is a project (of many) that i do on my spare time and if/when i do need to have themed rolled in for a paying client, i am sure a designer wold be breathing down my neck :) That said, If at the very least, it will provide an example to anyone who is interested applying custom skins to as3flobile components.

It should be noted (as it also is in the README markdown for the as3flobile-android repository) that I cut the graphics from a PSD made available by Pavel Macek. That PSD can be found at so check it out. The library also includes the ScaleBitmap from, available at and is pretty awesome. I made a slight modification to the source in order to re-use graphics in the skins (details can be found in the CHANGES document) so i could not have it external and compiles against.

There are a few more custom controls targeting the Android platform that i have yet to check in as i would like to drum up some examples before then. These include things like a ContextMenu, AlertDialog, TitleBar, etc. And most likely the Menu control from as3flobile will be moved to as3flobile-android as it really is Android specific… so look out for that.

Criticism and feedback is always welcome.

Posted in Android, Flash, as3flobile, as3flobile-android.